Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The first rats to flee the ship: Ashcroft, Evans

John Ashcroft and Don Evans have resigned and will not be a part of the 2nd Bush Administration.

Saints be praised, there's silver linings in them there clouds! The only way Bush could screw this one up would be to appoint Satan as Attorney General.

Let's take a look at John Ashcroft's acomplishments...

- Lost to a dead man (RIP Mel Carnahan).

- Put Tommy Chong in jail thanks to the Justice Department's Operation Pipe Dream

- Strict inforcment of the Patriot Act that locked up 5000 Muslims without a single conviction.

- A rise in overall crime.

- A very scary song...something about Eagles soaring...c'mon, who sings about eagles except for Christian Rock...but that's a whole other bag of worms.

How about Evans...well the Department of Commerce is supposed to promote trade, but does that also include the trade of jobs from the American worker to get cheaper goods at Wal-Mart? I think not.

I say good ridence to bad rubbish.

Time to move on. Let's just hope that some of the other "advisors" decide to take the same path Ashcroft and Evans have. Some advice fellas, don't let the screen door hit you on your way out!


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