Sunday, February 20, 2005

They just don't make days like this anymore...

This was as close to a perfect day, it was certainly one of those days that just makes you feel so fortunate to be alive...just a celebration of being human...human being...being human.

So what did I do, you ask?

Went to Austin, first listened to a lecture by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! and got her latest book: Exception to the Rulers: Exposion Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them signed by the news goddess herself!

Hold on, it gets better!

Went down 6th Street and had a great meal at this Irish pub called B. D. Riley's. The ambient noise in that place in the middle of the afternoon was perfect for me to get caught up on reading for the PSYC 345 class I am TAing for Heather. I am giving a review session tomrrow and Tuesday evenings so even though I knew most of what was in the book, I need to approach this review session from an undergrad's perspective, and that includes reading the text.

After swilling down a couple of Fat Tires along with my meal, I headed down to a little coffee shop on Lavaca St. in the warehouse district in Downtown Austin. The iced latte was just the caffeine rush I needed for the show that ended the night.

Drums & Tuba were supposed to open for Particle last night, but due to illness on one of the band member's families, they had to cancel. As a last minute replacement, John Popper filled played with Eric, Darren, and Charlie. Absolutely changes the energy of the show. They closed the set with a wicked Sco-Mule!

Throughout the show, Popper would sit in for a couple of songs. The place was really moving too. At the end of the show, got back to my car and drove back to good ol' boring and predictable College Station. Rolled in about 4:30 and got to bed about 6 am.

So yeah, it's been one hell of a weekend.


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