Tuesday, November 11, 2003

I've got a webcam...

I'm sitting in my office, minding my own business when I get this messege from a Julie 314159 on the AOL messenger. I know what this is, but I entertain it anyway. All it says is...

Julie 314159: Hi Damnedtreehugger!
Julie 314159: I've got a webcam...

All of this followed by a link to go to some naked chick fingering herself and making some face that's supposed to convince me that she's enjoys pandering to anything with a cock.

Like I said, I know it was a sexbot trying to get me to sign up for some monthly rate porno site, but if you're gonna try to convince me to spend my scant cash pool on this, at least make it real, ya know? I promply blocked the address, and continued on to the rant you see before you. In this modern age, we're expected to do everything faster, more efficiently, for longer duration, and for less pay. It got me to thinking how so many jobs that were around 50 years ago are now gone thanks to automation.

There are some good things about automation though. I don't have to wait a month or sell my firstborn son to own a copy of the Closing of the Winterland DVD thanks to automation. That goes for a number of products in our world now, but sometimes you want something that's hand-made. You know, like a Cuban cigar or a Chicago deep dish pizza. Something that you know the person who made this object took a lot of care and time into making it. This is probably one reason prints are so cheap but original artwork is priceless. There's some part of a person that goes into an original painting, but there's some part of a machine that goes into a print.

Call me old fashioned, but I still like people for the most part. I like mankind's ability to think for themselves and make decisions based on those opinions. I think that's why I'm so bothered by a majority of Americans today. They are willing to be spoonfed the shit Fox News and the Bush Administration tell them and eat it like chocolate ice cream. It's really disgusting. The Democrats aren't much better, but they are our one great hope of ousting George II next November. Next November...man, is it that close already? I'm going to dance like a madman when this regime falls. Me and every forward-minded person in this failing republic will be like pygmys who just brought down a raging elephant with poison darts.

As for automation, I guess this works for the porno industry as well, no wonder Julie was able to offer a 7 day free trial to her webcam...ah automation.


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