Friday, August 05, 2005

The End of the Loose Logic Set...

It is with much regret that I have to inform you that The Loose Logic Set is a thing of the least for the moment.

In this upcoming semester, I have to teach a 9 a.m. Intro to Psychology class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Seeing as how doing a show till 2 a.m. usually puts me in the mood to sleep till 9 a.m., things have got to change for my job's sake.

However, I am not leaving the station completely. In an attempt to transform myself into a morning person, I have asked to take over the Thursday Eclectic Coffeehouse slot. The negotiations with the management team are still in the works (i.e. They haven't given me the go-ahead to take on the Thursday slot), but I will also be on the Tuesday Eclectic Coffeehouse as usual since I took the slot out of a guilt trip e-mail a couple of months back. For those who liked Touchstone Radio, I am trying to work out a deal to get that back on the air as well.

Again, The Loose Logic Set is not leaving because of poor fund drive response. After all, we did have one pledge last night, and I'm grateful for that. But while I'm on the subject, where were the rest of you slackers!? I mean, if you had called in to say, "Hey, man, I don't have any cash. You know how it goes", then I would have felt a little better about the whole thing. Oh well...didn't get anything during the Eclectic Coffeehouse slots either. The only reason I got anything the last fund drive is because I cohersed people into giving a little outside of the normal begging on the air. I'm starting to think that if this music can't earn cash for the station on its own merits, then I should just take it off the air completely and we can all slack together over at my place and listen to it. At least it would be without any form of commercial interruption whatsoever.

So as you can probably gather from the mood of this post, I'm kinda blue today because I played some of the newest and finest stuff in my collection and received no green. On the air, I got a little red in the face. Not that you could see it, but you could probably hear it in the dark tone of my voice. Just remember that if KEOS blacks-out all you'll ever hear at 89.1 FM in College Station and Bryan will be white noise.


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