Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Modern Sacrifices...

So I was at Wal-Mart the other day (yes, I know, boo hiss, but it's amazing how they can get so much shit under one roof. I mean, the last time I saw that much shit under one roof was when my cousin turned on the manure spreader inside the barn back home. We couldn't go near the barn for a month without a gas mask), and as I was checking out I noticed that there was a self checkout line. It got me to thinking about what all we sacrifice in the name of our modern life.

It seems that we miss out on the little things in life that keep us human when we artificially speed up our lives. If you're doing your own check out, for instance, you don't have time to see who Kobe fucked this week or who J.Lo's gonna fuck next week. You don't have time to make friends with the people behind you as you discuss how in the world a 94 lb. man will ever be able to inpregnate a 960 lb. woman. No more time for the tabloids, we have them online after all, and they don't have to involve people we even know are famous. All you have to do is read someone's weblog and bam here's some dirt I never thought we'd find on June Marie down the block. Turns out she really does have the hots for Rusty. Better not let Buddy know about that. Yes, I participate in this phenomenon as well, but the small bit of consolation that I can take with me is that this is not my whole existence. I find it somewhat odd that some folks can sum up their lives in less than a megabyte, it must be a simple life.

We have to be at our destinations faster, but we miss out on all those little unique tourist traps. We give up so many of our civil liberties in the name of safety. If you say that you want the simple life and fight to keep your freedom, you're labeled as a traitor or as the newest soundbyte to enter our vocabulary: a terrorist! Heaven forbid that you think differently than the establishment, cause they'll come in and bomb ya.

In light of the 40th anniversary of the JFK assassination, a question was posed: Do you think people would react differently if the shrub was assassinated? Even though the man is an idiot, I don't think anyone wants him dead, and those that do just haven't considered all of the equation. For conservatives, Bush is the great white hope (no pun intended). For liberals, we don't want him dead because if he did die, then Cheany would take his place! You thought corporate corruption was bad before, look out if that ever happened. Best case scenerio for the good guys is not to kill Bush, but rather beat him fairly and squarely in 2004. Regime change begins at home; Regime change in '04!