Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Crawford TX paper endorses Kerry!

Yeah, I didn't believe it either, but check this out!

Now, if people in Crawford, TX, Mr. Bush's backyard, feel like they are not being well served by this guy, what makes you think that he's serving you well?

I had a discussion about Kerry and Bush with a Bush supporter this past Sunday. I heard a lot of fear. "They want to kill us, and I like Bush because he doesn't waver like Kerry" Ok, so they want to kill us, who's going to keep us safe? If Mr. Bush wanted to show us that he'd protect us, he and his administration would only make a minimal showing on the campaign trail. Why minimal? Well, if he was serious about winning the war on terror, he wouldn't care about winning a second term. He'd be bustin' his ass to get rid of all the terrorists.

We would have had a millitary draft by now if he was serious about fighting the war on terrorism. After 9/11, there were many young people who joined the millitary voluntarily because they thought it was the best way to show that they weren't going to let the terrorists ruin their lives and their country. This is completely honorable, and I have the upmost respect for anyone who puts on that uniform, but Mr. Bush doesn't. This much is obvious in the cuts to millitary pay and veterans benefits in tandem with hiring overpaid contractors. How much might it effect your willingness to fight if you knew the person who's doing the exact same job you're doing is getting paid 10 times more?

Let's think about how wars have been won in the past. History shows that multi-front wars usually yield unfavorable results for the agressor. We're in Iraq, Afghanistan, and there has been talk about a war on Iran and N. Korea. Basic millitary strategy suggests that if you are going to invade enemy territory, you should do so with overwhelming force (ie The Powell Doctrine...the COLIN POWELL DOCTRINE). In the first Gulf War (propogated by Bush 41), we had an international force of about a half million troops. This time, the US armed forces makes up 90% of the forces in Iraq. That would mean that there are approximately 144,000 total troops there now. This is a far cry from the number needed to bring the peace.

While I have to agree that an unwavering stance is an admirable trait for a leader, you want the leader to have the good sense to know that their unwavering stance is leading into the bowels of Hell. Mr. Bush and his adminstration either doesn't get this, or they do get it, and don't give a damn about the future of the country. Al Franken suggests that this is a false choice. They may indeed not understand that their policies are cutting the lifelines of our great nation AND not care about the future of the country so long as it continues to stand as a cowboy storefront for corporate gain.

With the War on Terrorism, it is sometimes easy to forget that it is the responsibility of our federal government to provide for the national defense from within the nation as well as from without. Here is an analogy that can illustrate this. Think of the Bush administration as the husband in a marriage and the country (ie all of us) are the wife. These wars are another woman in hubby Bush's life. As a result of this new found relationship, the husband is neglecting his wife. We have had the greatest net loss of jobs since the Great Depression. We have the greatest budget defecit and national debt in years. The health of our air and water has been steadily decreasing thanks in part to slashing environmental controls. A record number of Americans do not have health care coverage. If the university wasn't paying for my health insurance, I wouldn't have health care coverage either. Our public schools were promised funding if they performed well. They performed, but daddy Bush wasn't there for the play.

The analogy could be extended to that of an abusive husband and an abused wife. Within the abused wife, there's a conflict brewing. Should she stay with her husband and be somewhat secure, or should she run away from the abusive husband and never look back, even though it would mean that she would have to make some effort to stand on her own feet? Bush's supporters will tell you that they want you to vote for Bush because he will keep us safe and not waver, but if you vote for Kerry, you'll be hit again and terrorists will be in Rudder Tower taking sniper shots of anyone that enters the MSC. It is the responsibility of the American people to stand up for themselves and say, "Hey! I don't have to take this anymore! I'm packing my bags, and I'm going home!" In other words, we leave the neo-facist notions of this failed administration and go back to the country we all remember.

Vote in November.


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