Thursday, October 07, 2004

1984, 1991, 2004 and other important dates...

Well, it seems that the Orwellian prophecy of 1984 is finally coming to pass, just 20 years too late. Yesterday, another US weapons inspector made the same claim that two other weapons inspectors have made: THERE ARE NO WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION IN IRAQ! Not only did Charles Duelfur's report say that there were no weapons of mass distruction, but also stated that Iraq has not had the ability to create said WMDs since 1991! Do you remember 1991? I was 13 in 1991. That's half a lifetime ago for me. No WMDs since 1991, none, zero, zielch, as in less than one but more than negative one. 0.

This is the conclusive evidence that this was a war of choice from a president that touts that women should not have the choice of what they can or cannot do with their own body. This is a war propogated by a leader who thinks it is a good idea to give tax breaks during a time of war, a course of action that has NEVER been taken by any national leader in the written history of mankind.

This administration has no honor!


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