Friday, October 01, 2004

Fake Debates: Round 1 goes to Kerry!


If you can defend President Bush after seeing this debate, you really need to have your head examined. Kerry took the opportunity to lay out plans, while Bush took the time to repeat the same tired rhetoric.

One of the most telling moments of the debate was when Bush said that we went to Iraq because the enemy attacked us. Kerry capitalized by reminding G. Dub that Osama Bin Laden, a Saudi citizen and leader of the Islamic fundementalist terror network, Al Queda, was the enemy.

Kerry laid out a plan for dealing with the Sudan, N. Korea, Iraq, the greater War on Terrorism, and Limiting Nuclear Proliferation. Bush sat there and said, "mexed misseges". Am I being disingenous? Yeah, I guess I am, but beyond mixed messeges, the other terms Mr. Bush used were as follows: resolute, it's hard work, Vladmer, Terra.

Terra? Excuse me, Mr. President, but since when are we attacking Georgia. I know that Scarlet O'Hara was a real bitch because she didn't get that red-headed guy, but lay off. They had a hard time of it. After all, rebuilding a plantation is hard work.

Let's take a moment to talk about the International Criminal Court. Why is Bush opposed to this? Is it because he's looking out for us, or because he's looking out for himself? He and his administration are felons of the highest order. These people make Al Capone look like a pussycat. An International Criminal Court would insure that our allies could have a stake in the War on Terrorism by allowing them to see the evidence against any terrorist and make a decision on what would be done with them.

Kerry's strategy last night was not to go on the warpath on Bush. After all, Kerry only needed to lie in wait for Bush to trip up on one of his own lies. The Kerry strategy was to let those who are mostly disinterested in politics to get to know him and his plans. He's had limited airtime on most news networks in comparison to Bush. If you wanted to know information about Kerry, you had to dig for it. The American Public, by in large, is not willing to do any work for quality political discourse. Thus, it's ironic that Bush says the War in Iraq is, "tough work". What does Bush know about, "tough work" with the exception of cutting down brush on the fake ranch in Crawford?

Ok, so in the title, I called this a fake debate. There's a 32 page rule book for this year's debates. These are rules to keep Bush AND Kerry safe. Don't get me wrong, I'm voting for Kerry come November, but I would have loved to have seen 3rd party candidates and heard their perspectives. Ross Perot would not have been able to participate in this debate because the participants aren't allowed to use props. Perot's charts would be out the window.

I would have loved to have seen a Lincoln-Douglas stump speech-style debate given that we were only able to hear the Republicans and Democrats. That would have been an impossibility. I mean, sweet Jesus, did you see how bad Bush choked? Imagine if he had to think in real time. He would have been attacking Kerry within the first minute...with his fist!

In Summation: If you watched the debate last night and you're still not convinced that George Bush needs to leave the White House to insure our victory in the war in Iraq, victory in the war on terrorism, limitation of nuclear proliferation, and gaining a better relationship with our tradional allies, then you are a lost cause.

Please put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.


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