Monday, November 15, 2004

More resignations...

Well, it appears that Colin Powell has a soul after all. He has resigned his post as Secretary of State. To be honest, I don't know whether to be happy or worried. Consider this, Powell was the voice of reason in the Bush Administration. I have a feeling that he was the one that was holding back the Cheney and Rumsfeld's crazy plans.

Given Bush's choice of Roberto Gonzalez as Attorney General, I shudder to think who's going to replace Colin Powell. This could be real trouble.

Over the weekend, Sec. of Education Rod Paige resigned. Paige is an outspoken advocate of the Preisdent's "No Child Left Behind" policy. His wacky moment came earlier this year when he called the NEA, the largest teacher union in the nation, a "terrorist organization". He will be sorely missed...whatever.

Domestic policy advisor, Margaret Spellings is Bush's top pick for Paige's replacement. She was a key player in shaping the "No Child Left Behind Act", so you can guess what else she has in store for our nation's public education system.

Department of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham has called it quits as well. Among this winner's accomlishments are the proposal to drill in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge and watching oil reach its way up to 56 bucks a barrell.

Lastly, Ann Veneman, Secretary for the Department of Agriculture has also put in her resignation.

Hang on! It's going to be a bumpy ride!


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