Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Supreme Court bans death penalty for juveniles!

I first saw this news story on MSN, but seeing as how MSN and MSNBC represent that wonderful conglomeration of alphabet soup that is known as Mainstream Media...I was somewhat skeptical. I just got a confirmation e-mail about this from the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty mailing list stating that the US Supreme Court has ruled that sentencing juvenile offenders to the death penalty is unconstitutional because it falls under the cruel and unusual clause of the 8th amendment...part of that classy document we call the Bill of Rights!

Make no mistake, this is a victory, but the next question that should be on our lips is, "When is the death penalty going to be abolished for everyone on death row?" Continuing to institute the death penalty only perpetuates the wicked tautology.

Wicked Tautology - A term I have coined to describe the nature of those actions that stunt our social and cognitive progress. These actions only serve to undo our advancement as a species.

War brings more War
Violence begats Violence
Hatred breeds Hatred

Our world would be much better off if we were to approach peace, love, and cultural understanding with the same zeal which we approach war, violence, and hatred. That, would be a wonderful world.



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