Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Real ID Bill passes through Senate

Well, you can go ahead and sign away a little more of your freedom. Yesterday, the Senate voted for a military spending bill which had a steaming load of christo-fascist crap attached. This legislation, known as the Real ID Act will completely change the way government issued ID's will be handled. States will have to conform to a federally mandated administration of ID's and Driver's Licenses which includes not allowing immigrants to get a driver's license even if they show technical proficiency behind the wheel. This is the bill of goods that was sold to the American public...Lock, stock, and barrel.

What supporters of the Real ID Act don't tell you is that it will require that all personal information from state databases be turned over to a central federal database. Putting citizen's personal information into one central database creates a system in which identity thieves could know more about you than even you know! For them to do so, they would only need to hack into one database instead of several as they have to do today. Gee, thanks, Republican-controlled federal government, once I lose all social security money in the stock market from this privitization scheme, I get to lose my identity to some 80 year old Joe Schmoe that wants to run up a huge bill on my credit cards so he can pay for his medicine because your irresponsible handling of that in which this country put it's trust, your judgment in governance.

Yeah, good going, chief. For the record, I would like to re-iterate that I voted against this regime in 2004 for some of these very reasons. For me to say I told you so would be like hitting a guy with glasses, but I DID tell you so.


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