Friday, October 08, 2004

2nd Debate: Kerry Up 2-0

An angry bull will attack anything. Make no doubt that George W. Bush was angry tonight. It showed that this is an administration that rules on a strict diet of anger, fear, and ignorance. Meanwhile, Kerry continued to push his messege of hope, prosperity, and health care for all.

Some of the first questions out of the chute were aimed toward the accusation that Kerry was a "flip-flopper". Kerry was able to easily address this and then move on to tell how he would improve on funding for stem cell research, health care, the environment, our relation with our traditional allies all while balancing the budget and winning the war on terrorism.

If you want evidence of how bumbling a fool Bush is, then you need to look no further than the faces of the audience. For instance, when the audience member asked Bush about the environment, the audience member's face was stone while Bush jibbered on about the "Clear Skies Act" used to clear the sky of birds and why we pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol.

A second telling face was from a woman who asked if the President could admit to making mistakes and name 3 mistakes. As Bush stammered through the excuses he had for tripling funding for Homeland Security without showing many tangible results, the woman's mouth was slightly agape in horror.

In light of the Duelfer Report, I have an analogy that Mr. Bush can understand. Three strikes and you're out. Hans Blix wasn't able to find weapons in the time that Mr. Bush gave him - Strike 1. David Kay was not able to find any weapons - Strike 2. Now, Charles Duelfer says that not only did Iraq not have weapons, but they have not been able to make them since 1991 - STRIIIIKKKKE THREEEEE! You're OUT!

Vote in November. Know your stuff before you go out. Check out (that ORG Mr. Cheney) for the flat facts of what was said at this debate.


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