Friday, October 15, 2004

Mississippi Platoon says, "Sir, NO SIR!"

Since I AM the Hippie from Mississippi, this story found it's little niche in my heart. The platoon being held has troops from Alabama, Kentucky, North Carolina, Mississippi and South Carolina, and when they were asked to perform a suicide mission with outdated or damaged equipment and NO armed support, they responded, "Are you crazy? We're not going!"

This platoon is part of the 343rd Quartermaster Company. They're supply people, not infantry. They're there to make sure people get the food, water and equipment necessary to keep the infantry going. I'm not a millitary strategist, but even I, a damn hair-farmer hippie, know that you secure your supply line such that it doesn't get intercepted by the enemy. An unguarded supply convoy would be just the thing the insurgents could use to bolster their supplies and morale. The supply trucks go at a top speed of 40 mph. 40 mph!? These vehicles could easily be overtaken by a well-placed ambush.

So, Mr. and Mrs. top 1%, do you not care whether or not these folks made it to their destination, or do you want to hold on to that tax cut so dearly? There are those of you that would say, "Yeah, and your man, that flip-flopper Kerry, voted for the $87 Billion before he voted against it. He's a flip-flopper and doesn't care about the troops." You are disgusting! You in your pump-sucking Hummers, Expeditions, and Yukons with ribbons that say "I support the troops". Did you have this sudden support for the troops since we started our campaigns in both Afghanistan and Iraq or did you support them during the relative peace of the Clinton administration?

This platoon, since they have been imprisoned, has not had access to the judge advocate general. What's next? Are they going to Gitmo? Would that make you happy? Apparently the President wasn't happy that WMDs weren't found in Iraq (a la Kerry-Bush Debate #2). Will it make him happy to put inadequate supply lines on the ground without armed tactical support?

I support the troops, and thus, I say, "Bring them home!"


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