Tuesday, October 12, 2004

What the...?

One of These Days... Posted by Hello

The above picture was a flyer that I found in my mailbox this afternoon. Interesting, don't you think? Everyone seems to talk about the End of Days, the End of Time on Earth, the End Times, or whatever it's being called nowadays. Quite frankly, I think it's rediculous to talk about this. I mean, I'm a Christian, and I know this is going to happen, but I also know that Jesus said that he'd come back like "a thief in the night". As in, when no one's expecting it. By holding a conference about it, and advertizing it, you're only delaying the inevitable.

This is the reason Neo-Cons use to gear their agenda to the Religious Right. After all, what does it matter if the world's plundered and we all drive SUV's that get less than 10 mpg if we're all heading to heaven in a silver aeroplane in a few years, right? Who's to say that we need to protect the environment if we're all going to be called up in the twinkling of an eye, right? WRONG! We were given the task of being the caretakers of the land by our creator, and as such we should take care of it until such a day as we leave the planet behind. Again, I don't expect this to happen anytime soon because people aren't shutting up about it. I don' mean to tell these folks that they can't speak their mind, but as I have already stated, the more you talk about this event, the less likely it's gonna happen soon.

Which makes you wonder...how soon is soon. In God's time, soon might be several billion years from now when the sun expands into a Red Giant star. Given the kind of events talked about in the book of Revelation, this sounds like its described. God's time is certainly not mankind's time. Keep that in mind, and you'll find that you can reconcile the differences between what science (a la the Theory of Evolution) and religion (a la the Creation Story) on our origins. The sooner we have a united understanding on our origin, the sooner we will be able to move onto more important issues such as where we're going and how we'll get there.


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