Monday, November 29, 2004

Lessons from Ukraine

Hey America! Yeah, you Mr. ODell. Yes you Mr. Rove. Yes, all of you who support this bald-faced liar like he's not telling tall tales from school, it's all of you too! Pay attention, they're holding Democracy Lessons in Ukraine. Ukraine, you know, used to be part of the Soviet Union? Part of Russia. Part of those dirty red commies. Ok, now you understand the geography, let's get down to lesson number 1: When the election's rigged, it shouldn't be hidden like a chemeleon in the alphabet soup of the cable news networks. They should be ratted out for the person that they pretend to be. The media, those owned by corporations, why are you hiding that story. The state run Ukrainian News broadcast was the first to say that there's something wrong with the elections. From there the news to those in the opposition party who happen to live in the winning party's territory (i.e. a blue dot (like you and me) in a sea of red (i.e. Texas). The people are organized they want a re-election. They're not standing down to the power that is! That might look like chaos to some, but let me assure you that it is the ornately controlled chaos we call Democracy. This, you moral ruffians, is what true freedom looks like. Let me assure you, working man, that the spinning vortex of chaos you see spinning before you is the very same threshold your fathers and mothers crossed only a couple of generations ago when the most wise and faithfull President Roosevelt saw to it all people would be at work to see by GOD, we are a melting pot of the world, we bring everything that is good about it to our shores, and we see it as our duty to see that which is bad would be remedied. That, friends, that glint in that old lady's eyes, that's the self same glint that the Red Coats saw in the eyes of a North Carolina boy shooting at them with a worn-out hand-me-down hunting rifle. That glint of hope will never perish, because it is the last of an evolution of human emotion. It is hope. As Obama spake, "not some blind hope." It is something more. It is the sound of freedom trains in the underground railroad. It's the sound of pitter patter of feet on a hardwood floor. It's everything you ever wished for over the rainbow. It is your, bright and shining future, America. It is the freedom that we have fought so hartily to preserve.

This concludes Lession 1. Subsequent lessons are sure to follow.


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