Thursday, November 18, 2004

Should we head to Brazil for Festival?

Decriminalization of ALL Drugs in Brazil. Keep in mind that decriminalization does not mean legalization, but man what a trip that would be. Decriminilization simply means that as long as you don't get stupid, people don't care. When you DO get stupid and get caught, you're not going to be in prison for years and years. Most times, you just face a fine. Man, that almost sounds like that freedom stuff I've been hearing about on the street.

In addition to decriminilization, Brazil will be opening 250 "Drug Centers" where people can get dosed up in a safe place and seek treatment. Again, this seems to make sense if you're trying to save the addicts. You treat the addict; you don't lock them up. Now if they were violent, that's a different matter, but really, when was the last time you heard about a pothead beating the shit out of someone. Doesn't happen.


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