Sunday, March 06, 2005

VW, prepare to make a killing: "bio-hybrid"

I was just thinking, a diesel engine can burn biodiesel fuel, and there are battery powered hybrids...why not combine the two. I mean, it's not completely emmission free, but hell, it's pretty close when used correctly. Now put all that into the body of the classic 1965 microbus...or consider the dymaxion design...and sell it like hotcakes.

A standard diesel can run on biodiesel, nothing special about that. If somebody would start giving small businesses the same kind of discounts for hybrids that they used to give for huge ass SUVs (yes, last year was the final year for that tax break), then you would see more of them out there, which would up demand and start bringing the price would take a little while, but I'm saying give it 5 years, and you'll start seeing the things all over the place.


At 3:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a place just like that 2006 vw jetta


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