Thursday, October 21, 2004

So who's God is the right God?

So who's God is the right God?

Is it Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell's God that says 9/11 was caused by gays, lesbians, and drug users?

Is it George W. Bush's God who gave Bush the advice to go into Iraq against the better wishes of Bush's "earthly father" that has some experience with being President of the United States? Not to say that God couldn't take the job, but you know, there's a couple of little tricks you learn in the oval office. Right, Mr. Clinton (I joke only because I love)?

Or is it Pat Robertson's God alone who says that if we go into Iraq, there will be a big mess and that George W. Bush will be elected in a landslide?

Since when did Christianity become polytheistic? I guess it's been since Bush and Company tried to entrench Religion into our traditionally secular government. You know, that whole Church and State separation thing. Leave God out of politics, please. Why do you think they have all those political talk shows on Sunday Morning when good Christians go to church? Right, because somewhere back in the annals of time some forward minded person saw to it that religious and political discourse didn't get too overly intertwined.

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