Friday, May 21, 2004

It's been too long...

So I think the last time I posted to this thing was back in December. It took a little while, but here's the first post of 2004. So now I have my own radio show, the Loose Logic Set from Noon till 2:00 pm. I've hit several concerts this year already and have a few more to go before the end of the year.

I got a fat refund check back from THE MAN last month, so as any good capitalist minded American, I spent it! Well not all of it, just most of it. I spent it on getting my taping gear together for the summer shows I'm going to. Guess that makes me a terrorist because I didn't buy some cheap shit from China to clean out that reserve. Hey! Speaking of cheap shit from China, my boycott of Wal-Mart is in it's fifth month! I know that it's not much to them, I mean I would be spending 100 bucks a month there at most for groceries, but they're not getting it.

Gasoline prices are going through the roof. Not a big deal to me because I walk to my office every day. Got into an argument about this on the last day of my Sensation and Perception class. "How does that work?", you may ask. Well I started talking about gas prices, then two people chime in about how much it costs to fill up their SUVs. I said that I hated SUVs and how people that drive them seem overly agressive on the road. Then went on to talk about how I walk to the office/school everyday and when I do drive, I drive a fuel-efficient car (My Chevy Cavalier rocks on gas milage!). Somehow, the conversation got to capitalism, to which I said, "You assume that I'm a capitalist.", and then went on to say that I'm a democratic socialist. There was some sort of gibberish about rich people deserving what they have earned. While I agree that people do need enjoy that which they have earned, the top 1% income earners are using much more of the services of the government than I would ever use. I mean, I've never driven in California, but if a CEO for a company is transporting his (or her, let's be equal opportunity here, after all) goods from New York to California or vice versa, then he or she is using roads paid for and maintained by taxes. Thus, they need to pay for these things, but I digress...I didn't hear the end of that capitalist rhetoric until Heather stepped in and we started the exam.

I'll give you some more later...