Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Crawford TX paper endorses Kerry!

Yeah, I didn't believe it either, but check this out!

Now, if people in Crawford, TX, Mr. Bush's backyard, feel like they are not being well served by this guy, what makes you think that he's serving you well?

I had a discussion about Kerry and Bush with a Bush supporter this past Sunday. I heard a lot of fear. "They want to kill us, and I like Bush because he doesn't waver like Kerry" Ok, so they want to kill us, who's going to keep us safe? If Mr. Bush wanted to show us that he'd protect us, he and his administration would only make a minimal showing on the campaign trail. Why minimal? Well, if he was serious about winning the war on terror, he wouldn't care about winning a second term. He'd be bustin' his ass to get rid of all the terrorists.

We would have had a millitary draft by now if he was serious about fighting the war on terrorism. After 9/11, there were many young people who joined the millitary voluntarily because they thought it was the best way to show that they weren't going to let the terrorists ruin their lives and their country. This is completely honorable, and I have the upmost respect for anyone who puts on that uniform, but Mr. Bush doesn't. This much is obvious in the cuts to millitary pay and veterans benefits in tandem with hiring overpaid contractors. How much might it effect your willingness to fight if you knew the person who's doing the exact same job you're doing is getting paid 10 times more?

Let's think about how wars have been won in the past. History shows that multi-front wars usually yield unfavorable results for the agressor. We're in Iraq, Afghanistan, and there has been talk about a war on Iran and N. Korea. Basic millitary strategy suggests that if you are going to invade enemy territory, you should do so with overwhelming force (ie The Powell Doctrine...the COLIN POWELL DOCTRINE). In the first Gulf War (propogated by Bush 41), we had an international force of about a half million troops. This time, the US armed forces makes up 90% of the forces in Iraq. That would mean that there are approximately 144,000 total troops there now. This is a far cry from the number needed to bring the peace.

While I have to agree that an unwavering stance is an admirable trait for a leader, you want the leader to have the good sense to know that their unwavering stance is leading into the bowels of Hell. Mr. Bush and his adminstration either doesn't get this, or they do get it, and don't give a damn about the future of the country. Al Franken suggests that this is a false choice. They may indeed not understand that their policies are cutting the lifelines of our great nation AND not care about the future of the country so long as it continues to stand as a cowboy storefront for corporate gain.

With the War on Terrorism, it is sometimes easy to forget that it is the responsibility of our federal government to provide for the national defense from within the nation as well as from without. Here is an analogy that can illustrate this. Think of the Bush administration as the husband in a marriage and the country (ie all of us) are the wife. These wars are another woman in hubby Bush's life. As a result of this new found relationship, the husband is neglecting his wife. We have had the greatest net loss of jobs since the Great Depression. We have the greatest budget defecit and national debt in years. The health of our air and water has been steadily decreasing thanks in part to slashing environmental controls. A record number of Americans do not have health care coverage. If the university wasn't paying for my health insurance, I wouldn't have health care coverage either. Our public schools were promised funding if they performed well. They performed, but daddy Bush wasn't there for the play.

The analogy could be extended to that of an abusive husband and an abused wife. Within the abused wife, there's a conflict brewing. Should she stay with her husband and be somewhat secure, or should she run away from the abusive husband and never look back, even though it would mean that she would have to make some effort to stand on her own feet? Bush's supporters will tell you that they want you to vote for Bush because he will keep us safe and not waver, but if you vote for Kerry, you'll be hit again and terrorists will be in Rudder Tower taking sniper shots of anyone that enters the MSC. It is the responsibility of the American people to stand up for themselves and say, "Hey! I don't have to take this anymore! I'm packing my bags, and I'm going home!" In other words, we leave the neo-facist notions of this failed administration and go back to the country we all remember.

Vote in November.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Got a headache? Take a trip...

Interesting article from Wired magazine.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Setlist 9/23-24/04

We played the entire Jerry Garcia interview from which I get all those nice little snippits of wisdom this past week. I hope you enjoyed it and saw how it is very appropriate given the current world situation. We are re-living history folks. While it has some advantages, re-living history also means that you have to live through the hard truths of the past once again.

Ahem...the setlist? Right, I was getting to it, gimme a break why doncha?!

Artist - Song (Interview) - Album (Show)

Jerry Garcia - What is a hippie? - Acid Test Reels
Galactic - The Beast - Ruckus
Frank Zappa - Intro>Peaches En Regalia>Torture Never Stops - 10/31/77 New York City
Drop Trio - The Allen Smithee Show - Big Dipper
Gov't Mule - Slow Happy Boys - The Deepest End
REM - Oddfellows Local 151
Mofro - Lochaloosa - 11/7/03 Tampa, FL
Jerry Garcia - Entire Interview - Acid Test Reels
Particle - Simulator>Drums-Bass Breakdown>Groove Is In The Heart - Bonnaroo 2003
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant - Kashmir - No Quarter
Afroskull - Space Chicken - mp3 available on
Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - One Sweet World - Live At Luther College
Allman Brothers Band - In Memory of Elizabeth Reed - Atlanta Pop Fest 7/3/70

Thursday, September 23, 2004


I have heard a somewhat defeatist attitude from some of my fellow progressives over the past couple of weeks since G. Dub & The White Collar Criminals had their Flying Monkey Convention. We can't relent! We can't give up at this point! WE MUST HOLD THE LINE! If we do this, we will win!

I know some people don't respond to some random non-famous person telling them to stand up and fight the good fight, so I'll post this e-mail from Michael Moore's mailing list.


From :

Sent : Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:22 PM

To :

Subject : Put Away Your Hankies...A message from Michael Moore


Dear Friends,

Enough of the handwringing! Enough of the doomsaying! Do I have to come there and personally calm you down? Stop with all the defeatism, OK? Bush IS a goner -- IF we all just quit our whining and bellyaching and stop shaking like a bunch of nervous ninnies. Geez, this is embarrassing! The Republicans are laughing at us. Do you ever see them cry, "Oh, it's all over! We are finished! Bush can't win! Waaaaaa!"

Hell no. It's never over for them until the last ballot is shredded. They are never finished -- they just keeping moving forward like sharks that never sleep, always pushing, pulling, kicking, blocking, lying.

They are relentless and that is why we secretly admire them -- they just simply never, ever give up. Only 30% of the country calls itself "Republican," yet the Republicans own it all -- the White House, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court and the majority of the governorships. How do you think they've been able to pull that off considering they are a minority? It's because they eat you and me and every other liberal for breakfast and then spend the rest of the day wreaking havoc on the planet.

Look at us -- what a bunch of crybabies. Bush gets a bounce after his convention and you would have thought the Germans had run through Poland again. The Bushies are coming, the Bushies are coming! Yes, they caught Kerry asleep on the Swift Boat thing. Yes, they found the frequency in Dan Rather and ran with it. Suddenly it's like, "THE END IS NEAR! THE SKY IS FALLING!"

No, it is not. If I hear one more person tell me how lousy a candidate Kerry is and how he can't win... Dammit, of COURSE he's a lousy candidate -- he's a Democrat, for heavens sake! That party is so pathetic, they even lose the elections they win! What were you expecting, Bruce Springsteen heading up the ticket? Bruce would make a helluva president, but guys like him don't run -- and neither do you or I. People like Kerry run.

Yes, OF COURSE any of us would have run a better, smarter, kick-ass campaign. Of course we would have smacked each and every one of those phony swifty boaty bastards down. But WE are not running for president -- Kerry is. So quit complaining and work with what we have. Oprah just gave 300 women A... Pontiac! Did you see any of them frowning and moaning and screaming, "Oh God, NOT a friggin' Pontiac!" Of course not, they were happy. The Pontiacs all had four wheels, an engine and a gas pedal. You want more than that, well, I can't help you. I had a Pontiac once and it lasted a good year. And it was a VERY good year.
My friends, it is time for a reality check.

1. The polls are wrong. They are all over the map like diarrhea. On Friday, one poll had Bush 13 points ahead -- and another poll had them both tied. There are three reasons why the polls are b.s.: One, they are polling "likely voters." "Likely" means those who have consistently voted in the past few elections. So that cuts out young people who are voting for the first time and a ton of non-voters who are definitely going to vote in THIS election. Second, they are not polling people who use their cell phone as their primary phone. Again, that means they are not talking to young people. Finally, most of the polls are weighted with too many Republicans, as pollster John Zogby revealed last week. You are being snookered if you believe any of these polls.

2. Kerry has brought in the Clinton A-team. Instead of shunning Clinton (as Gore did), Kerry has decided to not make that mistake.

3. Traveling around the country, as I've been doing, I gotta tell ya, there is a hell of a lot of unrest out there. Much of it is not being captured by the mainstream press. But it is simmering and it is real. Do not let those well-produced Bush rallies of angry white people scare you. Turn off the TV! (Except Jon Stewart and Bill Moyers -- everything else is just a sugar-coated lie).

4. Conventional wisdom says if the election is decided on "9/11" (the fear of terrorism), Bush wins. But if it is decided on the job we are doing in Iraq, then Bush loses. And folks, that "job," you might have noticed, has descended into the third level of a hell we used to call Vietnam. There is no way out. It is a full-blown mess of a quagmire and the body bags will sadly only mount higher. Regardless of what Kerry meant by his original war vote, he ain't the one who sent those kids to their deaths -- and Mr. and Mrs. Middle America knows it. Had Bush bothered to show up when he was in the "service" he might have somewhat of a clue as to how to recognize an immoral war that cannot be "won." All he has delivered to Iraq was that plasticized turkey last Thanksgiving. It is this failure of monumental proportions that is going to cook his goose come this November.

So, do not despair. All is not over. Far from it. The Bush people need you to believe that it is over. They need you to slump back into your easy chair and feel that sick pain in your gut as you contemplate another four years of George W. Bush. They need you to wish we had a candidate who didn't windsurf and who was just as smart as we were when WE knew Bush was lying about WMD and Saddam planning 9/11. It's like Karl Rove is hypnotizing you -- "Kerry voted for the war...Kerry voted for the war...Kerrrrrryyy vooootted fooooor theeee warrrrrrrrrr..."

Yes...Yes...Yesssss...He did! HE DID! No sense in fighting now...what I need is sleep...sleeep...sleeeeeeppppp...

WAKE UP! The majority are with us! More than half of all Americans are pro-choice, want stronger environmental laws, are appalled that assault weapons are back on the street -- and 54% now believe the war is wrong. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO CONVINCE THEM OF ANY OF THIS -- YOU JUST HAVE TO GIVE THEM A RAY OF HOPE AND A RIDE TO THE POLLS. CAN YOU DO THAT? WILL YOU DO THAT?

Just for me, please? Buck up. The country is almost back in our hands. Not another negative word until Nov. 3rd! Then you can bitch all you want about how you wish Kerry was still that long-haired kid who once had the courage to stand up for something. Personally, I think that kid is still inside him. Instead of the wailing and gnashing of your teeth, why not hold out a hand to him and help the inner soldier/protester come out and defeat the forces of evil we now so desperately face. Do we have any other choice?


Michael Moore

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Is Chi-Town a kind town?

This story seems to suggest it is somewhat kind.

Some marijuana arrests may mean just a ticket

By David Heinzmann
Tribune staff reporter
Published September 21, 2004

With most arrests for small amounts of marijuana dismissed by the courts or dropped by prosecutors, Chicago police are exploring whether writing tickets would be a more effective way to handle such cases.

Writing an ordinance violation citation for possession of under 30 grams of marijuana might save hours of fruitless labor for police and result in more fines paid to the city, Police Officer Thomas Donegan said in a memo to Supt. Philip Cline.

Frustrated at seeing most of his minor drug arrests dismissed in court, Donegan said the department would do better to write ordinance violation citations.

With ordinance violations it is easier to find the defendants guilty, Donegan wrote, and fines levied would go to city coffers. Several suburbs write tickets for possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Police officials said they are considering the proposal, which would require City Council approval to prosecute such the cases as an ordinance violation rather than as a state crime. The officials said they have not made any decision.

Police spokesman David Bayless acknowledged that not arresting people possessing small amounts of marijuana would be a departure from the aggressive give-no-ground tactics the department has pursued over the last year.

"However, you could argue that it would let us keep more officers on the street," he said. One of the complaints in Donegan's proposals is that officers waste large amounts of time creating paperwork and going to court, preparing to testify in drug cases that end up being dismissed.

In 2003, 8,041 people were arrested for possessing less than 2 1/2 grams of marijuana, according to police statistics. Circuit Court records show a slightly smaller number of cases being charged, but 94 percent of them were later dropped, according to Donegan's report.

The numbers are similar for arrests for possession of less than 10 grams. Of the less than 3,000 arrests of people caught with between 10 and 30 grams, just over half of those cases were dropped.

A spokesman for Cook County State's Atty. Richard Devine said the office is open to discussing the idea with police.

"To my knowledge, the superintendent hasn't called us to ask for a meeting, but we meet with him from time to time," said spokesman John Gorman.
Copyright © 2004, Chicago Tribune

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Post-ACL Fest Wrap Up

WOW! What a great festival! There was a really kind vibe emanating from Austin this weekend. I know that I was in Austin just a couple of weeks ago, but man, I need the release from College Station's downright un-kind nature. Thanks to Ash for providing a ride to and from Austin. Thanks to Dave, Commie Ryan, T, and Walt for good conversation and general camaraderie for the weekend.

Anyway, here's what I saw...


The Slip, Marc Broussard, Sloan, Particle, Gomez

We got to the festival around 2pm. I managed to get to the front of the stage for Particle. Some reporter took my picture and asked for my name and where I came from. Don't know if I was photogenic enough to make it to the newspaper, but I had a great time at that set. I got to shake hands with Steve (keyboards/synth) and Eric (bass). They were happy to hear that they're getting some airtime on the radio, even if it was in the heart of darkness known as College Station/Bryan. Well, to Bryan's credit, it's actually a little kinder than CS.

Thanks to Walt for letting us wash up at his place.


Cat Power, New Monsoon, Endochine, Holmes Brothers, The Wailers, Trey Anastasio Band

Geezus H. Christ on a Pogo Stick! It was HOT! The wind and my gallon jug of water warded off the potential for passing out. I got fairly close for the Wailers. During Rockfort Rock, I was dancing my ass off when all of the sudden who should appear out of the mass of humanity than my very own Grad Advisor! Well, she knew I was going to be here (and vice versa), but we're talking about a 1 in 40 to 50 thousand chance of meeting up. You see, there was a last minute switch between G. Love & The Special Sauce (what she wanted to see) and The Wailers (what I wanted to see). Heather hadn't gotten that news, so she was in the crowd anticipating G. Love. Anyway, she ended up coming back for Trey Anastasio Band's first set. We talked about everything from school to politics between the Wailers and Trey.

Once again, the nod to Walt for opening up his shower to us. After showering, we went over to the Magnolia Cafe for a much needed meal before heading back to camp.


Mofro, Papa Mali, Antibalas Afrobeat Orchestra, Drive-By Truckers, Medeski, Martin, & Wood

A great day. My biggest conflict was between Mofro and Calexico. This was soon dissipated when I heard Calexico playing my favorite song of theirs as we entered the grounds. Mofro was great. I met Ian from Drop Trio (a Houston band with a MM&W influence). He told me that they're opening for Mofro in Houston in November, so I'm thinking about going to that show.

The performers for the weekend seemed like they were trying to be politically neutral because they were in Texas, but if you took a look around, the Kerry-Edwards/Anti-Bush group was out in full force. I saw multiple instances of Kerry-Edwards and Anti-Bush paraphernalia, but only a couple Pro-Bush t-shirts. We are energized, but I digress. Antibalas Afrobeat Orchestra was an exception to this rule. They got the rabble roused and yellin'! It was a beautiful thing.

Before the Medeski, Martin, & Wood set, I ran into 2 other radio people. One lady was working (unfortunately) for Clear Channel in Houston, and the guy was working for an independent AM station in Ohio. We talked a little about media ownership and how it's ruining the music. The Clear Channel Lady said that she had to fight tooth and claw to keep her late night slot from the clutches of automation.

Ash and I ended up getting back to College Station around Midnight. Ah Monday...Why did you have to come? Coming back to College Station from that music utopia was a really difficult task. The world just seemed a little duller yesterday. I'm not just talking about the vividness of colors and people, but also the sounds, touch, smells, all of the sensations we were designed with just seemed muted. Going back to a place that just doesn't get it. They just don't get it...

Like Ken Kesey said, "We ain't many. There will always be more dumb people than smart people, and we ain't many."

Friday, September 17, 2004

Setlist 9/16-17

Fare thee well, Johnny Ramone.

Tonight/This Morning's setlist

Artist - Song (Interview) - Album (Show)

Jerry Garcia - What is a hippie? - Acid Test Reels
Galactic - The Beast - Ruckus
Particle - One of These Days>Below Radar - 2/6/04 Birmingham, AL
Moby - Run On - Play >
Gil Scott-Heron - Winter in America - Best of Gil Scott-Heron, Live!
Allman Brothers Band - Desdemona - Hittin' The Note
Little Feat - Apolitical Blues - 10/31/75 Boston, MA
The People Who Do That - Your Letters - NCR: National Corporate Radio
Phish - Stash - 11/2/96 W. Palm Beach, FL
REM - Lotus - Up ^
REM - Daysleeper - Up ^
Gov't Mule - Blindman in the Dark - 11/7/03 Atlanta, GA
Greyboy Allstars - Nautilus - 8/29/03 Snowmass Village, CO
Vida Blue & The Spam All-Stars - Pick Up The Pieces - Bonnaroo 2004
Stockholm Syndrome - American Fork - Holy Happy Hour
Calexico - Quatro - Bonnaroo 2004
G. Dub - Bushspeak on The Environment - Bushspeak: The curious wit and wisdom of George W. Bush
Widespread Panic - Chilly Water>Imitation Leather Shoes>Chilly Water - 10/31/03 Madison Square Garden, NYC
Moe. - Captain America - 12/31/03 Camden, NJ
PLQ - Ramble On Rose - 8/1/02 St. Louis, MO
G. Dub - Bushspeak on Education - Bushspeak: The curious wit and wisdom of George W. Bush
Phish - Weekapaugh Groove - 10/13/94 Oxford, MS
Keller Williams - Bob Rules - Laugh
Drums & Tuba - Gary Coleman - 4/27/04 Ann Arbor, MI

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Winning the peace...At home!

Over the past few months, I have seen and admittedly participated in some pretty heated and bitter debates over this Bush Administration and the election. Those who are convinced to vote for Bush will not be convinced to vote for Kerry or vice versa. Those that vote for 3rd parties are going to stick to that line, and the war of the wills continues to be a stalemate of mental masturbation.

So here's something to think about: After 11/2/04, no matter which way the wind blows, we will have a president...may be a new one (which is my hope and fervert prayer) or it might be the same. This election is the most bitter and venomous I have ever seen (granted, I'm only 26 years old, but geezus h. christ on a pogo stick, I've never seen such mud slinging). After the election, how do we come back together? I am bothered how this administration and the upcoming election has divided us. One group's obviously going to be sour against the other. What can we do to minimize this?

Your responses, please!

Is it just me...

...or does Kofi Annan look stoned in this picture.

Time to get the UN into Iraq to save our asses.

Free Stuff!

Another quick note to you Texas A&M Students. There are a couple of Newsstands in front of the MSC (which can't be called a Union because it might imply that there's some liberals in this town) that have FREE copies of some of the best papers in the country, including the NY Times! All you have to do is put your student ID, take it out and open the door. Really simple and did I mention, FREE!? I did...Ok.

Another free item, just to let you know about it in advance, I'm giving away some tickets to the Wish Found Nation show at Time Square next week. Just call in during the show if you want one.

So where do you fall on the political spectrum?

Check out this site and find out...

I scored a 3, which means I fall somewhere in between Jesse Jackson & Ted Kennedy.

Liberal Crack-Pots Rule!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Assault Weapon Ban and Defending The Indefensible

As of Midnight, people are now able to purchase assault weapons described in the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

The Brady site has an FAQ on what the Assault Weapon Ban covered.

Among the features that were banned were the optional GRENADE LAUNCHER! That's right, I don't studier...GRENADE LAUNCHER! What the fuck does any law-abiding citizen need to do with a grenade launcher!? I mean, good God, if you're hunting a deer, you're going to ruin your deer trophy or your deer meat with a grenade launcher.

I know I'm obsessing about the grenade launcher thing, but come on, who really needs to fire off that many rounds per second, unless of course, you're killing human beings...In particular, cops. I kinda like cops. We have a real nice relationship. I don't bother them, and they don't bother me. Works out great.

So let's synthesize a hypothesis here. Assault Weapons Ban lifted + over 1,000,000 jobs lost = a safer America? I think not. If anything, this makes America UN-safe. At least Urban America. I guess this is why people from rural and suburban areas are still able to defend this indefensible administration. They have no idea what's going on outside of their own little bubble and thus think that everything must be ok. Meanwhile, people are losing income, our air and water becomes more polluted, our energy supplies are dwindling. What will it take to wake these people? My folks are country as they come, but they're not voting G. Dub & The White Collar Criminals back into office. They have seen their friends lose hours at work and eventually lose their jobs. They've seen how so much of the furniture industry is now in China. Communist China? What's that mean to you Mr. I'm-A-Red-Blooded-American!?

Do you even give a flying fuck, or do you continue to defend the indefensible?

Saturday, September 11, 2004

September 9-10 Setlist

Yet another fun episode of the Loose Logic Set. Now enhanced with rants directly from the blog. For those playing at home and wanting to know what I'm going to talk about next week.

Anyway, the setlist...

September 9-10

Artist - Song (Interview) - Album (Show)

Jerry Garcia - What is a hippie? - Acid Test Reels
Galactic - The Beast - Ruckus
Chris Robinson & New Earth Mud - Mother of Stone - Bonnaroo 2004
The Other Ones - Rainbow's Cadillac - The Strange Remain
Karl Denson's Tiny Universe - Making A Cosmopolitan - Red Rocks 9/19/03
Stockholm Syndrome - Purple Hearts - Holy Happy Hour
Phish - Julius - West Palm Beach, FL 11/2/96
Kudzu Kings - Bound For Zion - Jubilee Jam, Jackson, MS
Gov't Mule - Sco-Mule - The Deepest End
Allman Brothers Band - Intro>Statesboro Blues - Atlanta Pop Festival 7/3/70
The People Who Do That - Jesus Would Bomb The Following... - NCR: Let Feardom Ring
REM - Exhuming McCarthy - Document
Grateful Dead - Brown Eyed Women - Colgate Universiry 11/4/77
Robert Randolph & The Family Band - 3 Stroke (Good Times!) - Red Rocks 7/6/02
South Austin Jug Band - Little Wing - South Austin Jug Band
U2 - New Year's Day - The Best Of 1980-1990
Afroskull - Zero Hour - Syracuse, NY 10/4/03
Vida Blue & The Spam All-Stars - Sheep - Bonnaroo 2004
Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Little Thing - Live From Luther College
Ken Kesey - Two Thoughts - Oakland, CA 10/31/91
Keller Williams - Boob Job - Erie, PA 10/14/03
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - All Along The Watchtower - Alberquerque, NM 2/28/04
Fiona Apple - Paper Bag - When The Pawn...
Grateful Dead - We Bid You Goodnight - Nightfall of Diamonds

See ya Thursday on the radio...

Voting in the Brazos Valley

Today, I voted for the first time here in Texas. It was a referendum on a proposed property tax freeze for senior citizens over 65 and some disabled people. To get a further understanding about the debate over this issue, check out the KEOS website at

As a note to the community, if you need to know where to go to vote here in Brazos County, there's a listing of all the precient locations in a pdf document at this site:

The reason I'm posting this to the blog really doesn't have anything to do with the referendum, but it has everything to do with voting machines. You see, this is the first time I have encountered such a contraption. It wasn't a touch-screen system, but it didn't give a paper recipt of how I voted. I'm somewhat concerned about that. There was a printer device with what looked like reciept paper in it, but it wasn't used to print out a record of my vote. It was used to print out a login to the machine.

The machine was fairly simple to operate, but I could see how someone who was not computer-saavy might find it difficult. On the positive side, it did show me my vote and asked me to confirm the vote before counting it. While that makes feel a tiny bit better, it's not all right in my mind. I mean, a hacker could easily get into the system and change the vote to whatever they wanted. Granted, most of your disgruntled hackers are probably disgruntled because G. Dub and the White Collar Criminals saw fit to encourage companies to ship their information technology (IT for those in the know...) jobs over to India. I just want a good clean election, none of this sucker punching like in 2000 and 2002.

Well, like the lady said, "It's good practice for November." I guess she was right.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Northern Lights anyone?

Just got this from a fellow grad student...interesting news.

removed to keep source confidential@*****.com>

Yesterday, in a short one-line decision, the Alaska Supreme Court denied the State's petition to review Noy v. State. Alaska's explicit constitutional right to privacy, as originally pronounced in the 1970s case> State v. Ravin, now protects the personal in-home use> of up to four ounces of marijuana by adults. The> State is now seeking a new case to prosecute where it can have an evidentiary hearing at the trial court to> show that the effects of marijuana are much different now than they were in the '70s. In addition, a citizen's initiative to explicitly legalize marijuana use and possession, beyond what's guaranteed by the right to privacy, will be on Alaska's ballot in November. If it passes, any test case will be moot.


You know, in Alaska, they have virtual fulltime daylight in the summer.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Religious Zealots

Ah Labor Day weekend! Some of you probably got the day off, but I didn't. You see, if the Texas A&M system recognized Labor Day, that might imply that they're pro-labor and just a bunch of bleeding heart liberals. We can't have that, not in this goddamned town.

Speaking of God, I would like to ask that Your Lordship to please stop this self-rightous, cheerleading religious right madness, Please? This morning, I was walking to class, minding my own business, when this zealot intersects my path. I just thought he was like 90% of the people on the planet and just didn't have a very good sense of direction, but I was mistaken.

So he's like, "Hi, my name is James, (I think that's what his name was, the interesting thing about human memory is that it blocks out lots of details when presented with a stressful situation), and I'm with the Department of Annoyance." This should have been my first clue, but the next item hit the nail on the head with a big fat hammer of fundementalism. "Do you know about Jesus?"

Oh, you mean this guy that was alive about 2000 years ago that had really great ideas about people getting along with each other by treating their neighbors like they'd like to be treated. A guy that thought it was a pretty good idea to keep gov't and big business out of the church and also encouraged people to pay their taxes and give to non-profit organizations (like the church) freely? Yeah, I think I know about him. I am a Liberal Christian, part of the Spiritual Left. You know, the way Jesus would really act, not this, Department of Annoyance bullshit. The only thing this guy had was a business card that had a Bible verse written backwards on the back. The card looked semi-government official looking, like the Department of Annoyance was some kind of Department that G. Dub. launched.

So I continue to walk on to class, and this bastard keeps following me! I had already told him that I am a Christian, but I don't know if he believed me. Gave me some gibberish about, "Yeah, I know how that is, I used to be an Atheist and would tell people that to get them to leave me alone." Geezus H. Christ on a pogo-stick! Can we please move all these people to the middle of the desert and let them practice this kind of spiritual immaturity on one another?

So I get to the Psychology department, and was running short on time before class. I just had to ask one question, "I'm a liberal. Do you believe that I can be a liberal AND be a Christian?" The zealot had no answer. I just said, "Well, I've gotta get to class, see ya later."

I know that I won't.

So I have to wonder, why did this guy pick me? Was I just the only person around? No, there were several other people around me. Did I have on some offensive article of clothing? No, just shorts, a t-shirt, and my worn and trusted sandals. I have to think that it was because I looked different. I was the only guy around with longish hair and a some wild-eyed mountain man. Mr. Zealot probably thought if he could endocrinate me, he would have bagged the grand prize. There's the chance that he wanted to reach everyone, but consider this: Why would he follow me to class if he was trying to reach everyone? Why would he think I was an Atheist if I told him that I was a Christian? Why would he flounder on the Liberal AND Christian question?

To adapt Hunter S. Thompson's rallying cry against the mainstream: You people voted for George W. Bush, and you killed Jesus!

September 2-3 Setlist

Ok, now I know that these posts are super long, so I'm going to start posting each setlist one at a time.

You know the game...

Artist - Song (Interview) - Album (Show)


Jerry Garcia - What Is A Hippie? - Acid Test Reels
Galactic - The Beast - Ruckus
Grateful Dead - He's Gone - Dusseldorf, Germany 4/24/72 (Dedicated to G. Dub)
Keller Williams - One Hit Wonder - Laugh
Moe. - Okayalight - Camden, NJ 12/31/03
REM - Exhuming McCarthy - Document
Widespread Panic - Life During Wartime - MSG, NYC 10/31/03
Johnny Cash - Blues Yodel # 5 - Nashville Studio Sessions 2/17-18/69
Allman Brothers Band - Instrumental Illness - Hittin' The Note
Particle - 7 minutes till Radio Darkness (Pts. I and II) - Launchpad
Gov't Mule - Fallen Down - Beacon Theatre, NYC 12/31/03
Particle - Intro>Loose Caboose - Ashville, NC 2/14/04
Mofro - Tupelo Honey - Atlanta, GA 2/6/04
The People Who Do That - Interview with the President - NCR: Let Feardom Ring
Skatalites - Rockfort Rock - Steamboat Springs, CO 8/24/03
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Cortez the Killer - Alberquerque, NM 2/28/04
REM - Walk Unafraid - Up ^
Keller Williams - Old Lady From Carlsbad - Laugh
Floodgate - Shock & Awe - Red Shift
Oysterhead - Mr. Oysterhead - Ashville, NC
Phish - Timber Ho! - Memphis, TN 11/18/96
Yonder Mountain String Band - No Expectations - Bonnaroo 2003
Phish - Weekapaugh Groove - Oxford, MS 10/13/94
Fiona Apple - I Know - When The Pawn...

From now on, each setlist will be posted as a seperate item. Enjoy.