Tuesday, November 30, 2004

December Surprise

I know you've all heard about the October Surprise. The thing that didn't happen that was supposed to be the ultimate weapon in Bush's arsenel. Well, It's just about December, 2004, and I am here to let you know that here's the December Surprise...

After September 11th, 2001, the President urged everyone to go back to business, and BUY from businesses. So we bought...

When sales were down for Christmas 2003, the administration produced the Evil Saddam Hussain. Sales climbed for the last part of the Christmas season...

So we bought it again...

So now, get on your tin foil hats. Got 'em on? Good. Here it is. If sales are down for this holiday season, then trust in getting news about another evil man being captured (Osama or Zarquawi).

You have been warned...end transmission.

Michael Moore Directs a Music Video...

Michael Moore, a filmmaker most widely known for his work with documentaries, is now stepping into a new genre: music videos!? That's right, Michael Moore is directing a new video of Neil Young's "Keep On Rockin In The Free World".

Click on the link and check out the details.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Lessons from Ukraine

Hey America! Yeah, you Mr. ODell. Yes you Mr. Rove. Yes, all of you who support this bald-faced liar like he's not telling tall tales from school, it's all of you too! Pay attention, they're holding Democracy Lessons in Ukraine. Ukraine, you know, used to be part of the Soviet Union? Part of Russia. Part of those dirty red commies. Ok, now you understand the geography, let's get down to lesson number 1: When the election's rigged, it shouldn't be hidden like a chemeleon in the alphabet soup of the cable news networks. They should be ratted out for the person that they pretend to be. The media, those owned by corporations, why are you hiding that story. The state run Ukrainian News broadcast was the first to say that there's something wrong with the elections. From there the news to those in the opposition party who happen to live in the winning party's territory (i.e. a blue dot (like you and me) in a sea of red (i.e. Texas). The people are organized they want a re-election. They're not standing down to the power that is! That might look like chaos to some, but let me assure you that it is the ornately controlled chaos we call Democracy. This, you moral ruffians, is what true freedom looks like. Let me assure you, working man, that the spinning vortex of chaos you see spinning before you is the very same threshold your fathers and mothers crossed only a couple of generations ago when the most wise and faithfull President Roosevelt saw to it all people would be at work to see...to see by GOD, we are a melting pot of the world, we bring everything that is good about it to our shores, and we see it as our duty to see that which is bad would be remedied. That, friends, that glint in that old lady's eyes, that's the self same glint that the Red Coats saw in the eyes of a North Carolina boy shooting at them with a worn-out hand-me-down hunting rifle. That glint of hope will never perish, because it is the last of an evolution of human emotion. It is hope. As Obama spake, "not some blind hope." It is something more. It is the sound of freedom trains in the underground railroad. It's the sound of pitter patter of feet on a hardwood floor. It's everything you ever wished for over the rainbow. It is your, bright and shining future, America. It is the freedom that we have fought so hartily to preserve.

This concludes Lession 1. Subsequent lessons are sure to follow.

Hey, I'm Back...

Well, it was a most fulfilling Thanksgiving for me. I hope it was the same for you. I was dissapointed that neither A&M or Mississippi State won their respective rivalry games (bummer), but overall it was ok.

I took a 4 day vacation from news, so even in this short time things have evolved a couple of generations. Why look at you "election fraud"! You're nearly as tall as your big brother, "no liberls or moderates allowed at Bush rallies"

anyway...this is just a prelude as I get ready to talk about one of the stories that have developed.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Setlist and Program Notes 11/18-19/04

A few program notes before I get to the setlist.

Check out Houton Band Drop Trio at their website.

I will be hosting Sunday Morning Sidewalk this week. Be sure to tune in from 10 am till Noon on Sunday. After all, if you're on the sidewalk, it must be Sunday.

I will be back in Mississippi for Thanksgiving, so I will not be on for next week. Tune back in on December 2nd when we'll start into the Warren Haynes Christmas Jam from 2003.

During the midnight rant last night, I told you about a project you can participate in to support the injured troops coming back to Walter Reed Medical Center. As part of the cuts in Bush Administration's budget, soldiers have to pay for their own long distance phone calls home from Walter Reed. The plan, purchase phone cards and send them to this address:

Medical Family Assistance Center
Walter Reed Medical Center
6900 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20307

Lastly, if you have any friends that support this war, then show them this site, and ask them if all that we're supposed to be doing is really worth the costs the people we're trying to liberate are having to bare.

Whew...now to the setlist.

Jerry Garcia - What is a hippie? - Acid Test Reels
Galactic - The Beast - Ruckus
The Dead - Morning Dew>Help On The Way>Slipknot>Franklin's Tower - Bonnaroo 2004
Phish - Ya Mar>AC/DC Bag - Limestone, ME 8/15-16/98
Acoustic Syndicate - Rainbow Rollercoaster - Charlottesville, VA 2/22/03
Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Christmas Song - Live At Luther College
Gov't Mule - Thorazine Shuffle - New York City, NY Beacon Theatre 12/30/03
Keller Williams - Love Handles - Home
Moe. - Banter>Opium - Camden, NJ Tweeter Center 12/31/03
Drop Trio - Melody-Melody - Big Dipper
Particle - Triple Threat - Bonnaroo 2003
Grateful Dead - We Bid You Goodnight - Nightfall of Diamonds

See ya on Sunday...

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Should we head to Brazil for Festival?

Decriminalization of ALL Drugs in Brazil. Keep in mind that decriminalization does not mean legalization, but man what a trip that would be. Decriminilization simply means that as long as you don't get stupid, people don't care. When you DO get stupid and get caught, you're not going to be in prison for years and years. Most times, you just face a fine. Man, that almost sounds like that freedom stuff I've been hearing about on the street.

In addition to decriminilization, Brazil will be opening 250 "Drug Centers" where people can get dosed up in a safe place and seek treatment. Again, this seems to make sense if you're trying to save the addicts. You treat the addict; you don't lock them up. Now if they were violent, that's a different matter, but really, when was the last time you heard about a pothead beating the shit out of someone. Doesn't happen.

Beer...good for you!?

Get out the antioxident pizza, a German brew company is peddleing a beer with vitamins, minerals, and spirulina. Well that leads me to a couple of questions...

If this is the fountain of youth that it claims to be, if I drink it, and become younger than 21, am I still allowed to have it?

If it keeps me forever young, will I still have this youthful beer gut?

Something to think about over a beer.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Neocons in Love? We report. You decide.

Awww...(Picture from New York Times) Posted by Hello

Think Laura's Jealous? (Picture from Houston Chronicle)Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Condi Replaces Colin

Well, I think my fears might have just come true. Just when you didn't think the Bush Administration could find anyone worse, they do. Colin Powell is out and Condi Rice is in, that is, if the Senate approves of Bush's choice. Then again, why shouldn't they? I mean, as National Security Advisor she has done SO MUCH to protect us from terrorists.

What's that? She called the August 6th 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the the US" as a historical document? What's that? She was giving stump speeches for Bush in the closing days of the election instead of doing her job? Huh?

Aw man, we're screwed!

Wonder what that note says... Posted by Hello

Monday, November 15, 2004

More resignations...

Well, it appears that Colin Powell has a soul after all. He has resigned his post as Secretary of State. To be honest, I don't know whether to be happy or worried. Consider this, Powell was the voice of reason in the Bush Administration. I have a feeling that he was the one that was holding back the Cheney and Rumsfeld's crazy plans.

Given Bush's choice of Roberto Gonzalez as Attorney General, I shudder to think who's going to replace Colin Powell. This could be real trouble.

Over the weekend, Sec. of Education Rod Paige resigned. Paige is an outspoken advocate of the Preisdent's "No Child Left Behind" policy. His wacky moment came earlier this year when he called the NEA, the largest teacher union in the nation, a "terrorist organization". He will be sorely missed...whatever.


Domestic policy advisor, Margaret Spellings is Bush's top pick for Paige's replacement. She was a key player in shaping the "No Child Left Behind Act", so you can guess what else she has in store for our nation's public education system.

Department of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham has called it quits as well. Among this winner's accomlishments are the proposal to drill in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge and watching oil reach its way up to 56 bucks a barrell.


Lastly, Ann Veneman, Secretary for the Department of Agriculture has also put in her resignation.


Hang on! It's going to be a bumpy ride!

Friday, November 12, 2004

Setlist 11/11-12/04

You know, the one thing I've noticed is that things have gotten back to normal. Last week, people were running around with their hair on fire because Bush won his second term. People were moping around all depressed with another 4 years of the Chief Chimp and his madhouse of monkeys known his Cabinet.

You know, that's ok, that's fine. We do need to return to a level of normalcy, but we also need to remain vigilant. Thus, The Loose Logic Set will be dedicated to bringing you good tunes, and news to keep you aware of what's going on with your world.

Last night, we featured a couple of tunes from the 2nd set of Galactic's Halloween show at Stubb's BBQ from a couple of weeks back.

Setlist 11/11-12/04

Jerry Garcia - What is a hippie? - Acid Test Reels
Galactic - The Beast - Ruckus
Galactic - Intro for 2nd Set>Crazyhorse Mongoose>Prom Queen Kerry Bush>Doublewide - 10/31/04 Stubb's BBQ Austin, TX
Sound Tribe Sector 9 - Mischief of a Sleepwalker - Bonnaroo 2003
Garage A Trois - Sprung Monkey - Emphasizer
Gov't Mule - Lay of the Sunflower - 12/31/03 Beacon Theatre, NYC
Phish - Weekapaugh Groove - 8/15-16/98 Limestone, ME
REM - The Outsiders - Around The Sun
Particle - Battle Without Honor or Humanity - 6/18/04 Wakarusa Music Fest, Kansas City, MO
Grateful Dead - Tennessee Jed - Dusseldorf, Germany 4/21/72
Keller Williams - Kidney In A Cooler - Laugh
Karl Denson's Tiny Universe - Apparently Nothing - 9/19/03 Red Rocks, Morrison, CO
Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Little Thing - Live At Luther College
Robert Randolph & The Family Band - The March - 11/18/03 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Allman Brothers Band - In Memory of Elizabeth Reed - Atlanta Pop Festival 7/3/70
String Cheese Incident - Outside, Inside - 3/31/00 Stubb's BBQ, Austin, TX
Yonder Mountain String Band - Steam Powered Areoplane - Bonnaroo 2003
Yonder Moutnain String Band - Pride of Alabama - Bonnaroo 2003
Groovin' Ground - Marmaduke Surfaceblow - Dome
Grateful Dead - We Bid You Goodnight - Nightfall of Diamonds

Chet Edwards shares his secret...

Passing this along from the one Democratic House member from Texas that survived the redistricting...

By CARL P. LEUBSDORF / The Dallas Morning News

Rep. Chet Edwards says he feels like "a survivor of the Titanic."

The only one of five targeted Texas Democrats to win re-election last week, Mr. Edwards sees lessons in his victory for his party as a whole: Put support for the people of his district ahead of support for President Bush. Respond quickly to negative attacks. And don't cede the "family values" debate.

"I got 64 percent of the vote in President Bush's home county even though almost every ad run by my opponent for six months was that she wanted to go to Congress to work for George Bush," the 52-year-old Waco congressman said this week.

"Our message was, 'I'm an independent-minded, effective member of Congress who'll fight for jobs and better schools in our district and a strong national defense and homeland security at the national level,' " he said.

He opposed some of the president's tax cuts "because I felt that the country can't afford them." But he backed Mr. Bush on energy and education policy.
And he indicated he might oppose Mr. Bush if the president reads his re-election as a mandate for sweeping changes in Social Security and the nation's tax system.

"The president deserves tremendous credit for winning this election," he said. "But it wasn't a mandate for specific reforms in taxes and Social Security because those issues were hardly debated in the presidential campaign."

If Mr. Bush hopes to pass sweeping changes, Mr. Edwards said, he will have to reach out to Democrats far more than Republicans have been willing to do so far.

"Not every Republican is going to vote to partially privatize Social Security," he said, noting the politically touchy issue was put off two years ago at the behest of House Republicans wary of the fallout.

He said he opposed Social Security privatization "because I haven't heard anyone say how they'd pay for the $1 to $2 trillion it would cost to work through the transition."

Mr. Edwards, who largely avoided the presidential race, acknowledged that John Kerry would have been president "with a shift of less than 250,000 votes throughout the country."

At the same time, he added, "the Democratic Party should not minimize the loss" or the challenge it faces, both philosophically and geographically.
"If Democrats aren't trusted on homeland security and national defense, people will not listen to us on education and health care and tax fairness," he said.
"We cannot be a national party by just representing the population centers on the East Coast and the West Coast of the United States," he added. "And we should keep Republicans from having a monopoly on family values."

Ever since he first sought a congressional seat more than 25 years ago, Mr. Edwards said he has stressed the same goals for all Americans: "a good job, a decent home in a safe neighborhood, affordable health care, quality education for their children and retirement security."

"Democrats need to be pro-active in defining family values as including all those values," he said. "Family values are not just about abortion and homosexuality."
In assessing the election, Mr. Edwards said he took some solace in an old dictum that "in every victory are the seeds of defeat and in every defeat the seeds of victory."

"People love the idea of less taxes and smaller government," he said. "It's been a great sound bite for the Republican Party for 20 years. But now the rubber is starting to meet the road.

"In the 1990s, (former House Speaker) Newt Gingrich didn't have the power to implement revolutionary cuts in government, and Austin Republicans didn't have the authority either."

But when they began to implement that philosophy, "Texans – including conservative Republicans in my district – didn't buy into the idea of cutting 159,000 children off the Children's Health Insurance Program."

That was a major issue for Mr. Edwards against his GOP opponent, state Rep. Arlene Wohlgemuth, who sponsored budget cuts responsible for that action.
Mr. Edwards survived with a slightly higher margin than in his old district in 2002. Still, he recognizes that GOP efforts to eliminate him are likely to continue.

Asked if he plans to take any time off, he smiled and replied: "Time off? I'm looking at 2006."

Thursday, November 11, 2004

You want to protest in L.A.? Watch out for TANKS!

Dear God, what has become of our nation!

Anti-War protestors in front of a Federal Building in Westwood were met by two armored tanks. Have we truly gotten off base? Since when does the redress of greivences happen at the end of a cannon's barrel?

Sound familiar now? Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Our baby brother blog...

I've been thinking about an effective way to protest these voting machines without getting arrested. I think I might have the solution. I am proud to introduce Dear Diebold.

Just follow the instructions in the intro statement and I'll be sure to post your pictures there.

Bush's New Energy Policy? More of the Same...

Six more months of giant SUVs terrorizing our highways. There are some days I just want to drive a hybrid car to DC and bitch slap this bastard!

You want to fight the war on terrorism? Fine. Start an Apollo project to get ourselves totally off the mideast oil teet. The sooner we're out of those people's resouces, the sooner we stop pilfering in their politics and culture.

The sooner we get out of their culture, the sooner they'll leave us alone. Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick! Can it be any simpler?!

No...not for this administration. I AM FURIOUS! My presonal pet political issues are Energy Independence, Energy Sustainability, and the Environment. Above all the issues at stake in this past election, these are the ones that forged my decision.

I'll let you fill in who got my vote.

If this is how G. Dub and the White Collar Criminals intend on uniting the divided nation, they are sadly mistaken!

According to another report I saw this week, if we continue on our environment-plundering bent, Polar Bears will be extinct by the end of the century.

Here's a link to one of the many news stories about the very real potential of polar bear extinction

It makes you wonder, where do animals factor into the "culture of life"? I mean, they are living creatures, aren't they? What's that? They don't matter unless their fetuses in human female bodies? If that's the "culture of life" then I'm calling the "culture of life" out on BULLSHIT!

Have I mentioned today how much I hate these people?!

Gonzalez to replace Ashcroft...

President Bush has done it again, proving that just when you think this administration couldn't get any worse, it does. Gonzalez is the brilliant mind that suggested using torture techniques forbidden under the Geneva Convention. He was also the mastermind behind holding so-called "enemy combatants" at Gitmo without a trial or even legal counsel.

Gonzalez has also made a name for himself in Texas as general counsel, secretary of state, and as a Texas Supreme Court Justice. Under which he, along with then Gov. G.W. Bush, administered a record number of executions, ineffectively clearing out the Texas prison system.

I would say to file this under grave news, but I believe that file is overfilled and bursting at the seams.

We live in a very twisted country...

It's easy to get all depressed and feel like the tireless work will be neverending when you look at the electoral map, but it's important to note that, in America, we are pretty wide spread and well...according to the maps in the site above, very twisted. The maps in this link take population into account as well as percentages of people voting democratic in each county.

Needless to say that you can't judge a book by its cover, or, in this case, a country by its color.

Stay vigilant, friends...I'll see ya on air tomorrow night!

Holy Shit...no really, its Holy Shit!

You absolutely have to check this site out. Man, I don't know whether to think that this is fake or if it is real.

If you want a real, true to life, fake Christian Fundementalist site, then check out http://www.landoverbaptist.org/

Have fun and laugh your ass off.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The first rats to flee the ship: Ashcroft, Evans

John Ashcroft and Don Evans have resigned and will not be a part of the 2nd Bush Administration.

Saints be praised, there's silver linings in them there clouds! The only way Bush could screw this one up would be to appoint Satan as Attorney General.

Let's take a look at John Ashcroft's acomplishments...

- Lost to a dead man (RIP Mel Carnahan).

- Put Tommy Chong in jail thanks to the Justice Department's Operation Pipe Dream

- Strict inforcment of the Patriot Act that locked up 5000 Muslims without a single conviction.

- A rise in overall crime.

- A very scary song...something about Eagles soaring...c'mon, who sings about eagles except for Christian Rock...but that's a whole other bag of worms.

How about Evans...well the Department of Commerce is supposed to promote trade, but does that also include the trade of jobs from the American worker to get cheaper goods at Wal-Mart? I think not.

I say good ridence to bad rubbish.

Time to move on. Let's just hope that some of the other "advisors" decide to take the same path Ashcroft and Evans have. Some advice fellas, don't let the screen door hit you on your way out!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Setlist 11/4-5/04

Well, as I told you folks, I'm really proud of the people of Brazos Valley and TX District 17. We re-elected Chet Edwards to Congress and Bill Turner to District Attorney. As for the Bush victory, well, what can I say, 4 more years of cathartic ranting from me as the weeks progress. On The Loose Logic Set, we will continue to follow this administration and watch them like hawks. I'll be reporting for you so I can keep you informed.

Ahem, the setlist....right.

Artist - Song (Interview) - Album (Show)

Jerry Garcia - What is a hippie? - Acid Test Reels
Galactic - The Beast - Ruckus
Grateful Dead - Dark Star - Boston, MA 4/21/69
Chris Robinson & New Earth Mud - Mother of Stone - Bonnaroo 2004
Michael Franti & Spearhead - Don't Stop - San Francisco, CA 11/5/03
Gov't Mule - About To Rage - Deja Voodoo
REM - The Outsiders - Around The Sun
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Be The Rain - Alberquerque, NM 2/28/04
Particle - Launchpad - Bonnaroo 2003
Afroskull - Space Chicken - Mp3 available at http://www.afroskull.com
Phish - Timber Ho! - Memphis, TN 11/18/96
Kudzu Kings - Bound For Zion - Jubilee Jam, Jackson, MS
Mofro - Santa Claus, True Love, & Freedom - Atlanta, GA 2/6/04
Allman Bros. Band - Instrumental Illness - Hittin' The Note
Moe. (w/ Particle) - Moth - Troy, NY 10/31/02
Grateful Dead - We Bid You Goodnight - Nightfall of Diamonds

Thursday, November 04, 2004

To my fellow young people (18-29), I apologize

I'm a liberal, and by nature, when I find out that when I'm wrong, I apologize.

Ok, so the numbers coming out showed that 18-29 year-olds made up 17% of the electorate this time around. This was the same portion of the electorate we took in 2000. Looks like no change, on the surface, but we also have to think about "17% of what number". Voting was at record levels this year. As such, for all you math geeks out there, 17% of 100 million is smaller than 17% of the estimated 120 million that showed up to vote this time around.

Within our age group, voting was up from 42% in 2000 to 51% of all the 18-29 year olds of all the eligible voters in the nation. In battleground states, it was up to 64%.

While these are much more encouraging numbers about our turnout, it's still not good enough.
Lemme give you an analogy you'll understand. If you got 51% on a test, you would fail the test. If you got a 64% on a test, you'd be in the D grade range. The take home message here is that while we're doing good, we need to do much better. Engage your friends on the issues, make the issues not about policy for one party or another, but make the issues about how it effects them as individuals. If you divorce the issue from the party and make it a human issue, then everyone gets to participate, not just the fancy pants elitists.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Two Important Points...

There's two very important points to keep in mind.

1) The time to plan for next time around is now. We have a good structure of information dissimination via blogs, 527s, and our new liberal network, Air America. This is a good structure...and with it we can get out the news about my second point...

2) Republicans have control of all three branches of government right now. There's no doubt that for better or worse, this is their government. We must remain organized to keep a watch on this interesting political animal.

Now wipe the tears out of your eyes and stay vigilant

Times are stayin' the same...at least for now.

Well, it was a squeaker for sure, but it looks like George W. Bush has been elected to the high office of President of the United States. Ladies and Gentlemen, we fought a good fight. We should be proud that this is the first time in a long time that political discourse has been on the tips of so many tongues.

Although Ohio, the key to the Presidency, has not been called either way, CNN and other major news sources have reported that Sen. Kerry has called to concede the race to G. Dub and the White Collar Criminals. What does this mean? Well, for now, it means that the new boss is same as the old boss.

Only 60% of the eligible electorate deemed it necessary to go to the polls yesterday. This means that 40% of the American public doesn't give a damn about the future of this country, one way or the other. I honestly wouldn't have minded a Bush victory so much if I knew that we had like 97-100% turnout. However, when only 60% of people show up, and the popular vote is split like this, it only shows that about a quarter of the population wanted Bush to be president and about a quarter of the population wanted Kerry to be president.

To my fellow 18-29 year olds. This election was a big deal for you. Polls I've seen only show that 17% of you decided to stop smoking your bowls and swilling down a cheap wine from a box to show up. This was the same number as voted in this age group in 2000. Was getting to the next level of Halo so important that you couldn't pre-empt it for one of the most important decisions in the nation? While I'm happy that 17% of you did show up, I still have to ask the remaining 83% what were you thinking?

Thanks to redistricting in TX, 4 of the 5 Democratic House Seats switched hands and went to Republicans. The only one of the Texas 5 that did not change was our man, Chet Edwards! Congrats to Chet on a close victory over that lizard woman, Wohlgemuth. Daschle lost in South Dakota, but Obama won in Illinois. The Republicans now hold clear majorities in both the House and Senate. With William Rhenquist in bad health, a new justice will have to be named to the Supreme Court with a new Chief Justice.

So where do we go from here? The only way we can go...up. The Republicans have the cards they need to mold the country in the way they see fit. If we don't see appropriate progress in jobs, the economy, the war, the environment, and education by 2006, we'll know without a doubt that Republicans aren't able to govern appropriately. This election has shown that we, as a nation, are content to be ruled by corporate interests. As for me, I'm still alive no matter who's in the White House. I'm still going to watch this administration like a hawk.

I recommend you do the same.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Have you Voted?

I just cast my ballot about a half hour ago. There's a good feeling that comes over you when you finish your ballot. A sense of belonging. I AM AN AMERICAN! You know, that kind of feeling. I'm sure that everyone feels that way when they cast their ballot for whoever they voted for. It's a matter of civic pride, ya know? Like the way you feel when you finally get your driver's license or you take your first legal sip of beer. It's a release from the pre-election anxiety.

For right now, I feel pretty good. The world is at peace for the moment. As much as I'd like this moment to last forever, I know it's fleeting and the chaos is about to ensue. We can only hope that it comes out the other side clean as a whistle inside and out. Courts have allowed the Republicans to have poll watchers in OH, PA, and FL. I understand why they might feel this way. After all, their golem, George Bush, is going into this contest with less than a 50% approval rating. This has spelled doom for the incumbant (Republican or Democrat) in the past, and it's a trend I, for one, hope remains standing after tonight.

Somehow, even though I hope it ends tonight, I don't think it will. I'm sure the trial lawyers and activist judges will be out in full force to make sure things go for the right, but they haven't counted on us, the voters, to show up in record numbers to kick this fool out of office once and for all.

The turnout isn't the only thing that makes this election unique. It's a virtual dead-heat according to the polls, UN poll inspectors are out in force to insure people are able to vote, the Republicans might have people at the polls to keep us from casting our ballot, but there are Democrats there to make sure we are able to get in. To be honest, I had no problem with voting here in TX. I just showed up with my voter registration card, they found my name on the voter rolls, I signed my name, went into the booth, used the electronic voting machine (not a touchscreen, but no paper trail either), came out of the booth and proceeded to my office from where I type this messege to you now.

It feels good...man does it ever, and as such I'm making sure to ask everyone I see if they have voted yet. If they say, "yes", then I tell them, "thank you!" If they say, "No", then I say, "Well get out there and vote!" At this point, I know I'm in TX, and voting for president here doesn't really matter that much because Bush has it sewn up here, but there are many other reasons to get out there. We need to get out and say that we're not going to be held to the evil mandate of facism anymore. We won't allow our friends to be slaughtered for some rich man's gain. We won't allow them to trash our air and water. We won't allow them to take our jobs. We won't allow them to tell us what we can do with our bodies or tell us who we can and can't marry. We won't allow them to sneak away with our hard earned tax dollars while they take bigger and bigger cuts out for themselves.

We won't allow it, because we have voted! Have you?

Monday, November 01, 2004

Encouraging Words From Michael Moore...

Just got this e-mail as part of the Michael Moore mailing list. I thought I'd pass it along to those who don't get his mailing list.



This is it. ONE DAY LEFT. There are many things I’d like to say. I’ve been on the road getting out the vote for 51 straight days so I haven’t had much time to write. So I’ve put together a bunch of notes to various groups all in this one letter. Please feel free to copy and send whatever portions are appropriate to your friends and family as you spend these last 24 hours trying to convince whomever you can to show up and vote for John Kerry.

Here are my final words…

To Decent Conservatives and Recovering Republicans:

In your heart of hearts you know Bush is a miserable failure. From having no plan on what to do in Iraq once he conquered Baghdad to the 380 missing tons of explosives that could be used to kill our brave young men and women, this guy doesn’t have a clue how to fight and win a war. You should see the mail I’ve been getting lately from our troops over there. They know how much the Iraqi people hate them. They are sitting ducks anytime they go out on the road. Many believe we are not that far away from a Tet-style offensive inside the Green Zone with hundreds of Americans and Brits killed.

Bush refused to go after and capture Osama bin Laden. He fought, every step of the way, the investigation into the 9/11 attacks. Who on earth would oppose such a thing? If 3,000 people died at your place of work and your boss said we don’t need to find out why or how it happened, he’d be thrown out on his ear. Bush’s behavior after this great tragedy alone is reason enough for his removal.

You already know that George W. Bush is the farthest thing from a conservative. He’s a reckless spender who has run up record-breaking deficits and the biggest debt in our history. He believes in having the government pry into everything from your library records to your bedroom. He has hit you with hidden taxes with his tax cuts for the rich.

I know many of you don’t like Bush, but are unsure of Kerry. Give the new guy a chance. He won’t raise your taxes (unless you are super-rich), he won’t take your hunting gun away, and he won’t make you visit France. He risked his life for you many years ago. He’s asking for the chance to do it again. Scott McConnell at The American Conservative magazine has endorsed him. What more do you need?

To My Friends on the Left

Okay, Kerry isn’t everything you wished he would be. You’re right. He’s not you! Or me. But we’re not on the ballot – Kerry is. Yes, Kerry was wrong to vote for authorization for war in Iraq but he was in step with 70% of the American public who was being lied to by Bush & Co. And once everyone learned the truth, the majority turned against the war. Kerry has had only one position on the war – he believed his president.

President Kerry had better bring the troops home right away. My prediction: Kerry’s roots are anti-war. He has seen the horrors of war and because of that he will avoid war unless it is absolutely necessary. Ask most vets. But don’t ask someone whose only horror was when he arrived too late for a kegger in Alabama.

There’s a reason Bush calls Kerry the Number One Liberal in the Senate – THAT’S BECAUSE HE IS THE NUMBER ONE LIBERAL IN THE SENATE! What more do you want? My friends, this is about as good as it gets when voting for the Democrat. We don’t have the #29 Liberal running or the #14 Liberal or even the #2 Liberal – we got #1! When has that ever happened?

Those of us who may be to the left of the #1 liberal Democrat should remember that this year conservative Democrats have had to make a far greater shift in their position to back Kerry than we have. We’re the ones always being asked to make the huge compromises and to always vote holding our noses. No nose holding this time. This #1 liberal is not the tweedledee to Bush’s tweedledum.

To Nader Voters:

See the above note.

Ralph’s own party, the Green Party, would not endorse his run this year. That’s because those of us who want to build a third party in this country know that the only way to do this is to build bridges with those who believe in the issues Nader believes in. But not one of those people will sacrifice the chance to remove George W. Bush from the White House on Tuesday. The choice here is clear: do we join with our friends, or do we piss on them?

After the debacle of 2000, the Democrats got smart and abandoned the conservative wing of their party. That’s why 8 of the 9 Democrats in the primaries this
year were from the liberal wing. Ralph should take credit for that and declare victory. It’s so sad that he doesn’t realize the good he’s accomplished. But for reasons only known to him, he’s more angry at the Democrats than he is at Bush. He has lost his compass. I worry he has lost his mind. But he still gives a great speech!

And Lila Lipscomb, the mother from Flint who lost her son in Iraq, she still grieves -- as do the mothers of 1,120 others (not to mention the mothers of the 100,000 Iraqis who have died because of Bush’s war). That’s what this election is about. Not Ralph proving some point. Almost none of us on his 2000 advisory group are supporting him this year. His total lack of respect for his best friends should tell all of you something about what he really thinks of you, too.

To the Non-Swing States:

Stop listening to how your vote doesn’t count in this election and that your state is already decided for Kerry or Bush. It is critical that you vote because we not only need to give Kerry the electoral win, but he needs to have a HUGE mandate with an ENORMOUS popular vote victory as well. It will be impossible for him to get anything done for four years if there is no clear mandate. We must not only defeat Bush, we must put a stake in the heart of the right-wing, neo-con movement. If you live in New York, California, Illinois, Texas, the Northeast or the Deep South, you need to vote and you need to bring ten people with you to the polls. If you live in a state where we have the chance to elect the Democrat to the Senate or the House, you need to vote. Turn off the TV. Quit listening to news media that has a vested interest in repeating to you over and over that your vote does not count. It does.

If you have friends or relatives who live in the 30-plus non-swing states, call them and remind them how important it is that Kerry gets a massive popular vote victory.

To Non-Voters:

I understand why you stopped voting. Politicians suck. Nothing ever seems to
change. You’re only one vote.

Yes, politicians suck. But so do car salesmen – and that hasn’t stopped you from buying a car. Politicians only respond to the threat of the angry mob also known as the voting public. If most people don’t vote, that’s good news for them ‘cause then they don’t have to answer to the majority.

Almost fifty percent of Americans don’t vote. That means you belong to the largest political party in America – the Non-Voting Party. That means you hold all the power to toss George W. Bush out of the Oval Office. How cool is that?

I believe that we are going to have the largest election turnout in our lifetime tomorrow. You don’t want to miss out on that. The lines at the polls are going to be long and raucous and fun. It is an historic election. You won’t want to say that you were the only one who wasn’t there. Promise me you’ll vote, just this one time.

To All First-Time Voters:

Welcome to the longest running, uninterrupted democracy on earth! You own it.
It’s yours.

A few words about how messy it’s going to be tomorrow. The lines are going to be long. Bring your iPods. Better yet, bring a friend or two. The election officials have no clue just how many millions are going to show up at the polls. This will be the largest turnout in our lifetime. They don’t have enough machines. They are going to have to send for more ballots.

And they are going to make it difficult for you to vote. The new law says if this is your first time voting you must bring ID with you that matches the address you are registered at.

If for some reason they can’t find your name on the voting rolls, you have the right to ask for a provisional ballot, which you can fill out and then sort things out later.

If you have any problems at the polling place, please call 1-866-OUR-VOTE. The people there can tell you how to find the precinct where you should be voting, get you legal help if you are denied the right to vote, or answer any other questions you may have.

If you need any help figuring out the ballot, don’t be afraid to ask. If you
screw up your ballot, you can ask for another one. In fact, the law allows you to screw up your ballot two times before you finally have to submit your final ballot! Be careful to vote on the line that says John F. Kerry/John Edwards. Don’t vote for more than one Presidential, Senate or House candidate or you ballot won’t be counted. If your polling place has a stub or a receipt from your ballot, make sure they give you one.

Thanks for joining us. Democracy is not a spectator sport. It only works when we all come off the bench and participate.

To African Americans:

First of all, let’s just acknowledge what you already know: America is a country which still has a race problem, to put it nicely. Al Gore would be president today had thousands of African Americans not had their right to vote stolen from them in Florida in 2000.

Here is my commitment: I will do everything I can to make sure that this will not happen again. And I’m not the only one making this pledge. Thousands of volunteer lawyers are flying to Florida to act as poll watchers and intervene should there be any attempts to deny anyone their right to vote. They will NOT be messing around.

For my part, I have organized an army of 1,200 professional and amateur filmmakers who will be armed with video cameras throughout the states of Florida and Ohio. At the first sign of criminality, we will dispatch a camera crew to where the vote fraud is taking place and record what is going on. We will put a big public spotlight on any wrongdoing by Republican officials in those two states. They will not get away with this as they did in 2000.

In Ohio, the Republicans are sending almost 2,000 paid “poll challengers” into the black precincts of Cleveland in an attempt to stop African Americans from voting. This action is beyond despicable. Do not let this stop you from voting. I, and thousand of others, will be there to fight for you and protect you.

To George W.:

I know it’s gotta be rough for you right now. Hey, we’ve all been there. “You’re fired” are two horrible words when put together in that order. Bin Laden surfacing this weekend to remind the American people of your total and complete failure to capture him was a cruel trick or treat. But there he was. 3,000 people were killed and he’s laughing in your face. Why did you stop our Special Forces from going after him? Why did you forget about bin Laden on the DAY AFTER 9/11 and tell your terrorism czar to concentrate on Iraq instead?

There he was, OBL, all tan and rested and on videotape (hey, did you get the feeling that he had a bootleg of my movie? Are there DVD players in those caves in Afghanistan?)

Speaking of my movie – can I ask you a personal question before we part ways for good on Tuesday? Why did you and your friends fund SIX “documentaries” trashing me -- but only ONE film against Kerry? C’mon, he was the candidate, not me. What a waste of your time and resources! Sure, I know what your pollsters told you, that the film had convinced some people to vote you out. I just want you to know that that was not my original intent. Funny things happen at the movies. Hope you get to see a few at the multiplex in Waco. It’s a great way to relax.

To John Kerry:

Thank you.

And don’t worry – none of us are going away after you are inaugurated. We’ll be there to hold your hand and keep you honest. Don’t let us down. We’re betting you won’t. So is the rest of the world.

That’s it. See you at the polls – and at the victory party tomorrow night.

Michael Moore